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I mean, it's technically a look at the device but those batts stole the show. 





The problem was that your Parallel port was in ECP (Extended Communication port) mode not LPT mode, which is what the device expected. There's a setting in the laptop's bios for "LPT / ECP mode." (Though seeing Beaver of Doom's post, I could have that backwards)


your 360 nugget flip is perfectly executed. so smooth. so effortless.


Honestly, the microphone on that old mp3 player was better than some of the modern Bluetooth stinkbuds you've tested 😂




LPT is not plug and play and it will never show as a storage device in windows. You need to run the software and tell it what port you're using and it needs to be configured properly etc... And it's quite possible that it never actually shows there's a device connected it just sends data over to it and hopes that you've set it up properly.


I am a new sub in patreon i hope that you dont do shit with my 1.50€ !


I wish you knew how to use computers.


https://youtube.com/shorts/iX69JfKcCTk?feature=share Transformer MP3 player


compact and light easy to throw it into the bin from the other side of the room


Found one on ebay a bit pricey but dank should try this big nugget out. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/264757972341?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=SPNhfqbASJe&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I couldn’t stop replaying the microphone loop bit. I sincerely hope an animator makes a video of him just twirling in space with that audio because that was incredible


wild that d-link makes routers now :))))


I had one of these back in the day, also in transparent. Got it free, possibly from Best Buy for buying WinME or some other shit I think, along with some other D-Link junk. This thing predates USB and plug-n-play support, so you had to use the shitty software for everything. The internal mem was too small. I believe the audio recordings save out of the manager app in some custom format that literally nothing supported. You wouldn't really choose to buy this one. It basically just serves as a demo to test if you actually would want an MP3 player, and then if you survived this one, you'd go buy a real one. Mine likely still has some random audio on it recorded at Disneyland for shits and giggles.


I loved when the mic was still on it sounded so interesting like you were begging for help lmao


In the D-Link software, did you try to send a file to it? Like you need to pick the MP3 then hit the transfer button. Did you try that? Parallel stuff doesn't just magically show up, the software just tries to talk to it when you tell it to. Same with the other player, you (probably) needed to just pick the file and hit the "transfer" button.


This was my first MP3 player! I had about a CDs worth of songs on it


Not bad for 18 year old batteries, must be a record for the oldest working batts.


I'm waiting on a tour of The Bin (trademark)


The smell that lasts, indeed


I’ve got this EXACT nugget! No software for it , but I do have the 32MB card that looks like it was made for a Fischer Price toy.


If memory serves me right I got a transparent blue one of these before going to Bali.


Dude my dad had one of these in his office at work. It was so vintage looking