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That kid is real freaked out by the VIC20 aye. 


After Show: Game like it's 1980.

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To be fair I'd be real freaked out by computers in the 1980s


Okay it's official we need a DankPods gaming channel

Karen Sykora

With the flashing screen that face thing looked like something an evil scientist would use to brainwash their minions.


You may need to put a strobe warning on this in case anyone has photosensitive epilepsy. That CRT was fully lighting up my room in the dark. Full disco mode.


We all know the Alphabet! "B C A G Z H J 12345 6 6 9 10 Tuh-X Y And Apples"


Usually adjusting your shutter speed for CRT filming would get the best results.


I fuckin' cry-laughed at that scream you did when you showed the VIC-20 box lol


off topic but since we talking computers I'm waiting for this year's windows destruction.


Good news: new Dank vids! Bad news, I'm now blind and won't be able to see the next one. Perhaps if I pray to the old gods I will be healed. In the name of Shrek, Donkey, and the Holy Geir, Amen.

Mitch Donaberger

Love the subject matter, but I'm sorry mate, I couldn't make it more than 30 seconds into the flashing. Genuine brain hurt.


i love dankpods my first patreon subscription plz keep making vids i love when i get an alert saying you uploaded


Hey bud, try shutup10 to get rid of edge among other things, and Classic Shell, though not supported anymore, will change your start menu and you’ll stop being advertised to.


thanks for the warning! .... but i saw right thru it - subtle ULTRAWIDE monitor flex!! bahahaha


Just wanted to stop by and say you inspired me to turn an old iPod touch shell into a RetroPie! Looking forward to more videos.


Hey Wade! Love your wacky idea videos like installing Windows 10 on an iPod. I really want to see you do the same with macOS HOWEVER you use Firewire with an older iPod like the Photo or the 3rd gen. You should see way better speeds than USB 2.0.


Lol a bit dizzy, but hey I loved that video!


WOOF, turned that brightness *ALL THE WAY DOWN* I love seeing these old breadboxes though! I don't think they were big here in the states? I remember everyone having PCs. Good ol' DOS.


Number nabber/shape grabber looks like a really terrible Dig Dug clone. Like completely terrible 🤣


Hey man, appreciate the Windows/Mac rant in the video for the normies. There was a project to get Linux installed on iPods because of course there was, could be a "fun" adventure. Especially since the project looks dead since 2007 http://www.ipodlinux.org/


you and I are quite the same when it comes to collecting stupid old computer stuff!


Gonna have to introduce you to the glory of "shutdown -s -f -t 0" - the "s" means "shutdown", the "t 0" means "do it now", and the "f" means "Fuck off with your worthless updates" (or "Force"). Updates typically happen in the background (I'm surprised you didn't have Task Manager's "Performance" tab open for stats!), so the only thing you need to wait on at the shutdown/reboot time is the "deferred procedures" - the cleanup tasks that can only happen during reboots. Everything else happens in the background... well, "while you're working", oof. But yeah, right-click the start button to bring up the GOD MODE power menu, then go "Run", do "shutdown -s -f -t 0" (or "-r -f -t 0") and enjoy less hassle.


Tip: to compensate for the flicker, blink really quickly.


love me some classic shell. I've used it for years now. Id completely forgotten there was ads, just like I forget I changed the start up sound to the windows 95 startup and get my ears blown everytime.


This must have been hard on your own eyes to edit.


This video cured my epilepsy by killing me. Thanks dank, I can finally be with my nan.


Watching him play space invaders reminds me of the episode of futurama where fry has to face those aliens to save the world but can’t beat the last alien ship since his brother was the only one who could.. lol. Good times man. Good times.


The first-ever person that I support on Patreon because I love their content so much!


LGR teaches how to record CRT monitors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJKV7fTJRIc


Poor vic-20 cartridge guy losing his dad. Rip


Did you know that you could just give your ASUS EeePc Back to James so you might get a windows 7 EeePc?


If you don't mind getting Windows from *alternate sources*, look into Win10 Enterprise LTSC. It's Microsoft's own debloated version of Windows where each build gets 10 years of support - it's pretty much like a newer, buggier Windows 7 that has DX12 and most MS Store games. They say it's "not for desktop use" but that's BS - it's literally just Enterprise 1809 with proper support and less bloat (no preinstalled UWP apps).


Man I was shocked when I saw the Vic 20 pop up at the end of the YouTube vid. That was my first ever computer (which was actually my mums!). Loved the old commodores.

Ossi K

I wonder would better m.2 SSD with DRAM done better job.


this is the obligatory "maybe try linux" comment which must be posted on any video featuring windows


Wow, delicious intonation in the music lol


Hey concerning your latest YouTube video and your rant. Guess what. I'm gonna add to it. That forced microsoft chrome install? They did that to both of my *Windows 7* machines. One of them being 32 bit. Just go and think about that for a minute...


Hey dank! I'm new for your patreon, cant wait to see more of these vids! And love your main stuff too


It was from spending so many hours filming my regular TV and I just pointed it at my CRT and went, too many late nights...


Nah I intentionally wanted it for XP as I have heaps of nuggets here that need XP to work, having a 2010 PC with XP is genius for my purposes


I use Mac now days again anyways, Windows is just a game console OS to me now. Plays Rocket League and thats all lol


Having carts instead of disks makes it super fun, I wasn't in the mood to wait minutes for a data rotted out disk lol


None of it it haha, it's all awful. Might as well just get a USB 3.0 portable drive!


Is it bad to say that the new Edge is actually really good? Chrome based but gets way, way better battery life than Chrome itself on Windows laptops.


Congrats on 200k subs Sir Dankalot!

CnP x

I'm surprised I didn't have a seizure watching that. And I haven't even got photosensitive epilepsy


You should play Bandersnach on that Commodore.. Just kidding...keep up the great dingus work, mate!


Heh my granny still uses the EeePc as her main laptop it's hilarious


my eyes no longer want to be eyes


If your camera has an option to film at 50 fps, that might reduce the flickering if you do anything like this in the future. I know in 60hz countries we film in 60fps and it's fine but I can't speak for elsewhere


make sure that any instance of 50Hz (PAL) is recorded in that framerate! 60Hz cameras HATE CRTvs so make sure you calibrate it to such


Not sure if you've heard this yet, but if you have trouble with flickering lights/screens in the future there's some stuff you can do in post to remove or minimize it ^^ There's some plugins for after effects and premiere that do a pretty good job!


I'm sure that home babysitter cartridge is haunted


You gotta film it at 50fps to match the refresh rate of the screen, chief


i live in the us but if i lived in austrilia i'ds end you the good vic20 goodies


That last game looked like a rip off of dig dug


I cant watch this


The good old days?


You were super lucky to land yourself a good working VIC. Took me three dead ones before I had enough working components to frankenstein one working computer.


The most privileged stroke I've ever had


we need more of this gaming stuff


6 ibuprofen later...


You better know how to count otherwise your controllers will be destroyed


Youtube has several tutorials about recording CRTs with a camera/phone. In short you need to match the frame rate and shutter speed to the CRT (60Hz for NTSC or 50Hz for PAL). PAL is more difficult for a "real" camera since you usually can't get 1/50 as a shutter speed. However, 3rd party camera apps for iPhone/Android generally can be set to unusual shutter speeds. Appologies if you solved this in a later video I haven't seen yet.


Guts tghjkjvvfghbbvcffsstyhbjutrzxvnjkyrscvnkkyfcv


iPhones can actually record PAL directly in the stock camera app


wot.... no Radar Rat Race :o


My first computer aged 11 was a Vic-20 for XMas .... My dad spend days doing the 10 Print "Merry Christmas" 20 Goto 10 :D


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