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We haven't done one of these in a long time since we don't like off-setting costs, but we did resolve that if we had any MAJOR costs we'd return to doing this: I've mentioned in recent posts that our workhorse PC has been dying for a long time. For the last couple of years our previous workhorse has been sputtering, and reached the point where editing for the last couple episodes required a lot of restarting, buffering, downsampling and estimation when playback wasn't possible. We worked to build a new PC to make work faster, but building a new one set us back by a substantial amount - especially when we got a dud graphics card.

This (paid) post is to account for the gratuitous business cost that came with it. I intentionally waited for the final paid post of the month, since most people with large donations have set their threshold long before this - a reminder that you can limit the number of posts you cap at per month, btw!

The new computer has been fantastic. Editing this episode has been going insanely fast thanks to everything being responsive and playing back without issue. This should be a really positive change for upcoming content!

(There won't be another acquisition post - ever - if I can help it, unless something goes seriously seriously wrong)


rockninja3 .

I for one see this as an investment in my own entertainment, and i'm sure others do too! don't feel too bad about it. You guys do amazing work and a PC upgrade after 6 years isn't much to ask.


I appreciate the heads up!