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So this is unorthodox, but I hope you guys will understand why this is a charged post: I plan to have this episode done either tonight(night of the 31st) or very very early tomorrow. I'm not sure when during the day Patreon is going to have the monthly cut-off, so to avoid this being charged improperly to next month I'm gonna charge this post and not the completed episode. I apologize  for the inconvenience, and hope you'll understand! To make up for this post not having the complete episode, I'll include the following:

Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6qrhFy6UJ-qVVQ3S2tDUTBEOWM

This is a song Cassandra Cavalli(Rukia) wrote and performed a while back. We were going to make a video for it and release it, but since this post isn't "substantial content" I'll throw it in early so you can listen to it. Those who like Moana should like it. Additionally,. Cassandra is interested in making a lot more of these and has been writing independently quite a bit. I'm excited to see what else she produces, personally.

For trivia's sake, this episode chunk is probably a little bit over half the total episode length. Also, the projected release date of episode 6 on Youtube is the 7th of April. This one will be the 14th of April. UBW Episode 0 will be the 21st. 


DigiAdv Ep7 Sc1&2&3

Uploaded by GurrenLagann TheSatire on 2017-03-31.



Yay more Digimon


man i love how rich the dialogue is