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Heya all! Just dropping a quick update about what you can expect this month;

We plan to release two new Digimon Adventure episodes within the next couple of weeks, and a redux of episode 1 of B(S)A(remakes will be titled Bleach (Re:S) Abridged). You can expect to see previews of those as they're being worked on.

As well, we're now recording our UBW parody which will start coming out as part of the line-up in either April or May(depending on when we release the Tri movie, which will have its' own month due to expected length). We're excited to finally have that in motion, as we've been working on the writing and pre-production for a while now!

For those whom I owe DvDs for last month's pledges, I will be shipping those out within a week.



sweet... the last thing i had signed read " get bent, love elmo "..bit of advice, never talk to people handing out flyers in furry suits.