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 As you guys may or may not know, Bleach has been slowly rereleasing their content on bluray for the first time. The team and I would like to remake choice episodes, specifically episodes of Season 1(Episodes 1-5) because a lot of casting changes happened between seasons 1 and 2, and that season feels inconsistant with the current material. The reason episode 1 has never been put up on YouTube again is because I wanted to wait until it was remade.

I wanted to know if you guys, our Patrons, would want to see that sort of content(remastered/revoiced/redited) versions of choice old episodes? Remaking them in BD quality is something I would personally LOVE to do, but don't let that sway you.

To put it into perspective, all of the following characters have been recast/would have to be recast since that first season: 

Inoue sora, Yasutora Sado, Uryu Ishida, Octopus Hollow, Shrieker, Tessai Tsukabishi, Shun Shun Rikka Shun'O, Shun Shun Rikka Tsubaki, Tatsuki Arisawa, Karin Kurosaki, Byakuya Kuchiki.

You can see why I'm inclined to charge this, since that single period of recasting was the ONLY time we've ever had to recast in Bleach (S) Abridged.

Apart from voting on the polls, please feel free to leave comments with your opinions on the matter below.



I actually would really like to see you remaster them. I find myself usually skipping to a few episodes ahead when I go to rewatch. The pilot episodes are like that though, you're learning, getting into the groove, ect.


I would love to see them remastered, weather you redo the script or make some changes is fine too, it make the earlier episodes more appealing to watch. i watch them anyways xD but id love to see and hear better audio and visuals .


I'm all for a remastered Bleach S Abridged. Like all abridges the first few episodes are somewhat iffy but once you find that groove though, hehehe, oh man does it get good


If you do remaster them would you change the writing or just update the visuals and voice work?


It would largely be just revoicing/reediting them with our new equipment and using the BD footage.


I had to look up the word 'ambivalent' because I did not know what it meant. Would love to see first season redone. I can see a lot of people being put off by the lower quality. In some ways sad though. People expecting abridged series to be of amazing quality at only the first episode.

Chantal Beaulne

I think it's a good opportunity to revisit. Plus a lot of people are probably looking around in confusion for episode 1. You need a gateway drug. Plus it's always neat to see people go back to their old work again. Just don't Lucas it up :)


I'm in favor, but I'd like to note that I think episode 1 is by far the biggest priority, since that's where new viewers will tend to start (although i stumbled onto you guys with a youtube recommendation for episode 12 and got hooked from there, so not universally), and you want to make a good impression (plus it's just awkward not to have your own first episode on your own channel). Episodes 2-4 could also benefit from a remastering, although I'm more ambivalent about whether they're worth taking time and effort away from new material; a remastered episode 1 would show people what you're capable of, and then I think they can stomach a few episodes of you finding your footing before you get back up to that quality. And episode 5 I still feel holds up pretty well as is, although if you redid 1-4 I imagine you wouldn't want to leave just one episode with the old cast.