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Genuinely, we wanted to have the episode done last month. We held to that goal right up into the final moments of the month. I'm genuinely sorry that we didn't make good on that. We had some production issues on our end, as well as some issues regarding other non-Youtube work some of us have picked up on the meantime. We're very excited about this episode and don't want to rush it out, but this has been an example of exactly why we don't like giving ETAs when we can avoid it. When we do, everything seems to happen all at once. Nobody forced us to, so that's on us.

This is all on top of that our workflow remains disrupted by COVID conditions, which we only seem to be coming out of. Re-recording sessions, actors travelling, etc remains difficult and slows down parts of the project that used to be almost instantaneous. It's very frustrating on our side. As the world slowly returns to a new type of normal we hope these things return to how they were as well.

There's SFX for one scene to do, then one more full scene left of the episode. There's no reason it shouldn't be done this month. Thank you to everyone who has had patience with us during this period as we try to juggle more background work than we ever have before. We really appreciate it.



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