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I don't do this enough, and will never feel like I do. You guys are exceptional. There's a lot of people out there who wouldn't consider the sort of work we do here worth supporting. A lot of "but it's THAT kind of content", or people who assume its all just hobby work. Sometimes it's hard to fight the impostor syndrome in light of it, but the support we get here absolutely helps us push through.

Thanks to everyone here, three people are all able to work full-time on the channel, with enough time on the side to pursue their other passions. Those opportunities wouldn't exist if not for you. Always remember that. Every single person, from any $1 patron up to our oldest $50 ones, contributes to a group of people being able to but as much creative energy into the world as they possibly can. That's something to be proud of, I think.

I'm honored that of everyone you could support, you picked us. Thank you all so much... !



Good :-)