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We had an editing hiccup the other week when some of our footage turned out to be converted improperly. Unfortunately this set us back a bit, because we had to re-convert and recapture all of the lip flap images we need for the first half of UBW:A. This is done now, but it put us behind schedule. I'm very sorry for the delay in production.

I'm going to be sending out a link to a stream where you guys can check out the editing session where we bumped into this problem, which resulted in me putting together the lines for the first Apocrypha scene ahead of time. It also includes a bunch of the editing of UBW:A scene 1, including a couple of the editing tricks I frequently use being explained as I went through them. I hope to do more of those soon.

Now that we're back on track, more UBW:A scenes will be coming soon! The episode is still slated to be finished in October. Later today I'll also be posting up some more recording streams for UBW, Bleach and our new project that our newest editor will be working full-time on.



youtube link isn't working


Yeah, says “This video is a duplicate of another YouTube video”