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HO BABY! Alright, so I was too sick to DM today, which sucks(probably related to pushing myself into doing all the sound design for Sc7 last night, but that's neither here nor there) but the upside is that after I got in a few extra hours of rest, my fragile nerdy body recovered enough to allow me to sit down and edit. 

So here's the final scene for episode 8. The episode comes in at 31 minutes. Which is... something else. This ended up being almost as long as one of our Tri movies. Episode 4 may end up being similar, based on line count, but may end up being less because there's more action which paradoxically ends up reducing line number vs run time(probably because of short grunts and foley taking the place of single lines in the script).

I hope you guys enjoy the longer episode. Aaron's working on the lip flaps for the whole thing right now. I'll get multiple versions of the whole episode up for you guys as the scenes are properly finalized. In the meantime I'm going to start getting to work on the next thing on our plate, and scripting some other things we'd like to work on. 



UBW Ep3 Sc8 NoFlaps



What does "marbles hurt me" mean


It's a throwback to the first scene in the episode. Those previews are down right now, but I'll get a full-episode preview up soon.


Angry Matthew. Hmm that doesn’t sound right...