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Finally back to working properly. Keepers. All the guests really derailed production lately.

Three scenes left~ I'll put up the version with lip flaps as soon as it's good to go.


UBW Ep3 Sc5 No SFX



I <3 UBWA Sakura


Aww the King is pouting!


Great work as always. I noticed that sakura's presence here is very different than how she was in the beginning, casually dropping lines about dropkicking little girls and unashamedly insulting shiro's goal to be a hero. she seems ALOT more timid and I'd get that she could act differently in public but in the previous episodes when she bumped into rin she still had her sharp tongue. Regardless can't wait for more. I hope you guys do a Heaven's Feel abridged version but I'm betting that'll be one hell of a commitment.


The subject of what she's talking about when she speaks meekly is important. Our Sakura isn't just going to be the one mode all the time.


Ah of course, I did notice that the subject of the conversation was other girls, one of which was rin. I was hoping that she'd put on a 'strong' facade for a bit longer. Nonetheless its a great choice. I did feel really bad for her when shirou just forgot she was in front of her.


Again, that's not gone. It's just not here. Talking to Rin and talking about Rin to Shirou aren't the same subject.


Great work as always, but "irregardless" isn't a real word, it comes from people mixing up "irrespective" and "regardless", and if it was a real word, it should mean the opposite of "regardless", but it is always used as a synonym. But I choose to believe Saber used it as part of her "modern slang" thing she does, which is diggity dope, dawg.


Kazuki: “Gaze unto my cellular device” *plays video of sad puppies* “A truely humorous display is it not?”


It's been a part of proper vernacular and used in professional writing for almost a hundred years, so it's very much an accepted word. I did use it entirely aware of it's redundancy though; that's just part of how Saber's speech is purposefully flowery when it doesn't need to be. Despite the construction of the word implying that it should mean the opposite, the accepted definition is a synonym for regardless.