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I'm sorry there haven't been any recording streams or updates lately... ! At Sakuracon I developed a cough that evolved into something worse afterwards, and I've been fighting a myriad of symptoms including a high fever for almost a week since. I'm just now recording, so updates and new content will be coming immediately. I'm really sorry for the delay.

This particular stream will only be available to Patrons as it wasn't live-streamed. We didn't want to risk extra complications in case my cough got too bad to direct again.



  • Aaron Robert Parnell


  • Bleach (S) abridged Ep25 (Sosuke Aizen)

Additionally, I'm gonna throw this link down for you guys as well!


This is the (short) first opening to the Apocrypha parody we're working on in the background. Now that the full series has been released on Blu-ray in Japan and we've imported them, we've begun passively working on it. It won't interfere with any of our currently running shows.

Since we've stopped doing the "Progress Report" style charged posts as the end of each months, I'm going to try to feed as much information through other posts as possible~ 


Recording Stream | Aaron Robert Parnell | Bleach Ep25



Don't die Logan!! You are an irreplaceable part of the abridging community and we love you!


Hope you feel better :)