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Time for a quick update everyone! Let me tell you the story of our near future.

This month we tackle our return, finally to Bleach S Abridged. With Digimon Tri Episode 4 out of the way we can finally dive headfirst into it. I'm hoping I'll start having episodes out and public by the end of September, but if I don't than definitely November(and I'll be doing enough so that even after we begin work on Digimon Tri Abridged Episode 5 we can release Bleach S Abridged in the meantime).

As soon as it comes out at the end of September we'll begin scripting and working on Tri Episode 5 as per usual and hope to have that out by mid November. We also want to get out more Fate Stay Night UBW before the movie if we can. 

Digimon Adventure Abridged, in all likelihood, won't see any more releases until after Tri Episode 5. We really want to get the ball rolling on Bleach and UBW again, so Tri will have to satiate everyone's Digimon sweet-tooth until that happens.

In September if I don't have episode previews to show you guys, I plan to release music to you that we had specially made for Tri Abridged. We recently hooked up with and started commissioning a very talented musician, Kevin Williams. We'll be releasing his music as the month goes on for you to download.

Due to the cost of signed Bleach Dvds for Patrons and shipping costs getting out of hand, Aaron and I may be reviewing our pledge tiers over the next couple of months. Feedback on this is welcome, but we may have to reduce to amount we send out. 

That's all for today! I'm gonna head back to work. See you guys in episode releases or streams!



Glad to hear, can't wait for more ^^


I started pledging last month I was wondering will we still be sent the DVDs in the mean time until you've reviewed it? If so when will they be sent ?


I try to get DvDs out on the 5th of each month. We'll send things like normal until we decide what we're going to do, no worries.