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certain magical index ep 9

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zirath ashe

The doctor is a special kind of doctor. Its more explained in the manga im sure, but basically he can fix anything. (At least thats what I gathered from the show later on.) Reattaching his arm was unusually easy for him.

zirath ashe

The dragon that came out of touma's arm socket was believed to be something created by the panicking thoughts of the alchemist. At least thats what style believes...

zirath ashe

Yes, his arm was cut off.

zirath ashe

From what I gathered, alot of stuff was taken out from the original source. So some things might not make sense to some. Personally, I didnt have as much issues with it compared to some people. I originally watched the dub of this. I've noticed some of the dub dialog was altered to make explanations easier to understand. Which im glad they did. Doesnt mean the dub clears everything up, they just gave more simpler explanations thats still accurate, but adds more detail that the sub didn't cover. But thats just my opinion on watching the sub and dub of this, things made more sense to me dubbed than when I watch it sub. There's clearly a difference in dialog. For explanations and stuff, I feel the dub is better. If anything, I might just see if I can get certain dub scenes and make a short video of it at some point in the future. A video thats short as to not bore you.