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Drop your BIG girls here! (tall, strong, huge etc)
Sorry poll is running late!



Mt. Lady from My Hero Academia Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village Darkness from Konosuba Ozen from Made in Abyss Some that come to mind!


Noi from Dorohedoro


I rarely tend to latch onto "popular media" characters, but I can name two suitable characters from one of my old favorite VNs; Kawakami Momoyo or Itagaki Tatsuko from Majikoi! (S for Tatsuko). Neither are THICC-massive, but they're definitely both on the large and tall side, and stupidly strong. Momoyo is generally commanding, authorative, a fighter through-and-through and always quick to go for any challenger that might actually be able to put up a fight. While she's a bit difficult to deal with and mostly does what she feels like, she cares about her friends and has an especially "soft spot" for the MC (Yamato, whom she refers to as "Little Brother") - whether she views him as her toy or as a significant other is up for debate. https://vndb.org/c3507 Tatsuko is in some ways a polar opposite of Momoyo. Momoyo is usually loud, very physically active and often actively looking for (interesting/promising) fights. Tatsuko on the other hand is (normally) an immature, lazy sleepyhead and extremely absentminded. She has a huge weakness for cute things, and an equally huge crush on Yamato since she finds him "adorable", for lack of better words. Mostly spends her time lazing around and doesn't say much unless Yamato is nearby.. unless you somehow manage to piss her off - she's very protective toward her siblings and Yamato, and outright harming or threatening them in front of her is practically a death sentence; Despite her usual demeanor she's got a natural strength that likely surpasses Momoyo's, although her fighting technique can mostly be described as "brutish" and unrefined. https://vndb.org/c9799