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I've been updating ragkhlars' lore, and thought I'd share with you a few bits and pieces~

The ragkhlar is a wild, quadrupedal, sentient animal from Reagkhay - Gkhalarer's (aka Ancients') home planet. They were semi-domesticated during the early days of the Matrix Technology development, in order to protect organic-processing facilities from local parasitic species - tsaruras especially. Back then ragkhlar's main role was hunting. The pack included either 3, 5 or 7 ragkhlars (hounds), led by a Master (usually - by a high-tier Ancient), who directed them to a breach made by tsaruras (who fed themselves on matrix technology's frame threads, plants and igriyeras), and their fresh nests. Tsaruras exceeded ragkhlars in size, and depending on the breed - the difference might have been up to four times, making larger ragkhlars a more preferable option.

After Reagkhay's destruction by Ragas' Armada, remaining ragkhlars' role has shifted more towards companionship. While they were still used for spaceships' and troops' protection, sorties and hunting expeditions on suitable planets, they also became companions to their Masters. New Masters now were able to be of a lower tier, and acquire a single specimen. The bond between the Master and the Hound grew stronger. Some took that bond a step further - by fulfilling each other's carnal desires. The later is something that is not shunned upon, yet something that is not spoken of either within Ancients' society (mostly due to the tragedy involved females and children who perished during Reagkhay's destruction, leaving a lot of males single and distraught). Quite a few hounds found new intimacy engaging enough to cure their boredom in spaceships' confined spaces."

"Sexual anatomy and Sexual behaviors

Ragkhlars are true hermaphrodites, meaning, in a dire situation they can impregnate themselves and produce identical (to themselves) offspring. Their eggs are large (10-20 cm depending on ragkhlar's size), gelatenous-looking, partially transparent, yet moderately firm, round spheres, which secrete small amounts of slime and, if picked up, separate easily from one another. Laid eggs come out with almost fully developed fetus, which would need only one to two weeks to fully mature.

Ragkhlar's uterus located in their upper rib cage, while the entrance to it is at the lower bottom of their throat, under the gastric valve. As well as the channel to their female part, their throat serves as the first digestive chamber and their deadliest weapon, full of sharp (needle at the core, while outside is a muscle, resembling a tongue in its strength and flexibility), acid-spitting appendages on the inside tips of their mouth flaps.

While the eggs are developing, ragkhlar who took on a motherly role will become less mobile and will rely on their mate for the food. Their chest will become swollen prior to laying eggs, making them completely immobile for a few days, and unable to eat at that same time.

Common amount of eggs per batch is 30 to 40, - depending on ragkhlar's physique. Hatching rate is rather low - being from 5% to 20% total, not counting cubs' further survivability.

Ragkhlar's penis is located within a sheath between their hind legs, followed by an anus closer to the base of the tail. Their member is long, and firm or flexible - depending on the situation. Average size can be described as 80 to 110 cm long as a whole, and 10 to 12 cm thick at the shaft behind the knot-like bulge. It serves but one function - to inseminate. Ragkhlars have no urethra, - all waste matter comes out together, from the back. They also have no visible testicles, but one complete organ inside their body, which combines function of testicles and something similar (but not quite) to prostate.

Ragkhlars don't engage in back play activities by default, yet they can tolerate it in some cases, when properly approached by their Master.

Ragkhlar's mental state affects its hormones, which affect their body's preferred "gender" at that given time. Ragkhlars can change their roles hundreds of times per their lifetime, while "all at once" can be not triggered even once. Meaning, while the surrounding is not "a live or die" situation - ragkhlar will not be able to inseminate itself (activation hormone would not be secreted within their body otherwise), and will take on either giving, or receiving role.

While the receiving (female) role counts as the active one, as if two females were to find themselves liking each other, the most eager one will remain as is and the more calmer one will assume male's role. Among ragkhlars exists no thrusting - the female will work her head and neck herself to suck out semen. Penis will be guided inside a tight sleeve at the bottom of her throat, which leads to cervix. Only upon release male will move forward, firmly pushing through the opening and filling uterus full of tiny eggs with sperm. Otherwise the male will be standing still on his legs, over the female underneath, and be grabbing her rear, sometimes massaging or kneading it. And drooling. During intercourse ragkhlar's throat secrets a lot of lubricant, which also neutralizes possible remains of their acid, and works as sanitizer as well as digestion prevention."


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