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"Good morning. Are you free right now?"

It was an early morning on Central Orbital Station 'Asidaran Two Zeros One' of the Associated Union of T'egra. Veiled sivalaary sat leaning on a small, round table with their top right arm. The posture relaxed, and narrow, elongated chin propped on the fist of the supporting arm. They aimlessly scrolled through news on a holographic datapad in their middle right hand. Metal chimes that covered sivalaary's bright yellow, featureless face - except for the deep, blue eyes - ringed softly as they lifted their head in response to an ambiguous voice that spoke to them. For a moment it sounded like one of male's with a deep rasp, then - a female's lighter chirp, ending in it being undefined as a result.

"I sure am" sivalaary replied, estimating their potential new client. It was a Matrixoid - a now to be legacy of the Ancient times. Metal of their body shined in colors of copper, - light, and dark, - with an orange, slightly reddish tint to it. Its scuffed, scratched surface reflected light from pearlescent buildings, which were illuminated by the artificial sky, that shone above them in a shape of a vast dome, providing civilian city with warmth and light.

"My name's Renner, but you can call me Ren" sivalaary stood up, introducing themselves, - their mood brightening up - whilst they hid their - now inactive - datapad in the lowest pocket of their baggy, red hoodie. "What's the job will be? Is it delivery or intercourse?" Ren quickly asked the line they repeated many times, eagerly waiting for the reply.

Matrixoid courteously, albeit barely noticeable if not looked at directly, tilted their head in gratitude. "I am looking for the later" they calmly said. Having no visible eyes, but a matrix that was poking out behind their v-shaped crest on their head, it still looked like they were following sivalaary's every move, while still being deeply aware of their surrounding. Surrounding, which was starting to fill up with people going about their morning routines, chattering in languages unheard, and races unseen before.

Ren was delighted to hear matrixoid's reply, his deep blue eyes sparked in joy of what's to come. "And you are-?" Sivalaary asked, whilst unclasping weighty silver veil from their horns in a fluent motion, hiding it in an upper pocket of their hoodie, above the datapad.

"I am Xera" Matrixoid stated after a short pause.

With Ren's three pairs of arms they were a head higher than the matrixoid before them, and yet that matrixoid's tail was even longer than Ren's whole height, which capped at three meters tall, including the pointing up horns.

Before Ren could ask, Xera continued in an even tone "I might have an unusual request-"

"No illegal stuff" Ren quickly interjected, concern rushed through their melodious voice, which sounded male in nature, - crisp, and fluent. Their posture guarded.

Matrixoid remained standing as they were - still, unwavering.

"No, it is not like that" they did not breathe, nor moved any parts of their body when they spoke. "Or it is if I was wrongly informed about mating customs and traditions between multiracial copulation-" Xera finally moved, left hand touched their lowest part of the face as they produced a small, turquoise orb in their right hand, which projected lines of text up in the air in front of them. Ren's eyes quickly picked up what the words said.

"Oh, so it's your first time. Then don't you worry - I've got you covered!" Ren placed all of his six hands on Xera's shoulders and upper arms, and gave them a gentle tug. Matrixoid's body did not budge. Its smooth, cold surface contrasted with warm, velvety skin of sivalaary's palms.

"I appreciate the gest" Matrixoid returned to their unexpressive self. The orb they held disappeared in their palm, being absorbed by it.

"Alright" Ren made a step back, their eyes fixated on a metal brick before them.

"I suspect you'd like to jump straight into the lesson. It's too early for romantic dinners anyways." Sivalaary shrugged their concerns off.

It will be one hell of a task.


"Would you like something to drink?" Ren asked as they entered sivalaary's apartment. While discussing the price it turned out that Xera didn't have living quarters within the civilian city, but in the military one, - which was right above the sky dome, on an upper level of Asidaran - and to which civilians were denied entry.

"I do not require any consumables, but thank you for the offer nevertheless."

Ren nodded, "alright, straight to the business then."

Sivalaary invited the matrixoid within their humble abode, leading them towards a small room with an oversized double bed.

"You can shed your armor and take the shower first as I prepare the bed" Ren pointed out to another door, which led from the bedroom they were in to a bathroom, while taking out a fresh set of bedsheets from the drawer across.

Moment of silence passed, Xera not moving from their spot.

"Is there something wrong?" Ren turned to see their client standing still. Red, silky bedsheets in sivalaary's hands.

"No, there is not, how to put it-" Xera raised their arm. "It is my body" matrixoid's arm split into many strands before Ren's eyes before returning as it were, but now looking much smoother, polished, as if brand new, with no scratches from just a moment ago.

"Oh-" it took a moment for Ren to process, "then how'd you be able to, well, have sex?"

"I can transform-" Xera pointed at their crotch. "Form, what is not there" a slit appeared where they were pointing out. Its folds plum and sealed, and yet so suggestive.

"So you're just like us then!" Ren's excited voice rang up louder than anticipated. "I've never knew it was a thing, and I don't think that I have a right to pry into Fleet's business, but it's so cool to be not the only ones with tricks up their sleeves" Ren joked heartily.

Xera nodded in their barely noticeable manner "I will take the shower offer, still."


"You shouldn't have waited for me standing on your feet" Ren walked outside of the bathroom, a white, light, laced robe barely covered their chest and upper thighs. "Come, lay down with me" they gently touched Xera's left arm with their upper right, guiding them towards the bed.

This time the matrixoid moved under sivalaary's touch.

The bed quietly creaked as both of them descended onto it. Dent under Xera rather deep, before it receded, as their tail planted itself on the floor, taking the excessive weight off of the furniture they sat upon, facing each other.

"Would you like to give, or receive?" Ren's voice ringed softly, as their fingers traced over backside of Xera's left hand.

Before replying, Xera tilted their head towards the gest "I would like to give" they placed their right hand over sivalaary's, then raised their head. The deep, blue eyes softly followed their every move, then stopped at their face. It was featureless, - except for the smooth protrusions and layered plates, - and yet Ren looked at it like there were eyes staring back at them.

The blue pair smiled.

"I've decided which race I'll go with" Ren leaned towards the side of Xera's head. "It will be my own" their voice reduced to soft, alluring whisper. Another hand traced over matrixoid's collar plates; left side of their chest.

Xera remained silent. Their right hand released sivalaary's, and touched their chin.

Ren leaned into the cool, smooth palm. A few drops of water still lingered between the plates.

"Are you always so cold?" Ren asked as they palmed Xera's hand; their yellow face forming a mouth in a stream of blue, semi-transparent glow. Full, reddish lips planted a soft kiss on the metal hand. Eyes looking for changes in matrixoid's - otherwise still - body.


"Hm" Ren nuzzled in Xera's cupped palm. "Will need to warm you up myself then" their silvery voice brimmed with satisfaction.


Xera's thumb traced over sivalaary's lips. Its velvety surface dragged under the metal finger, revealing a set of white teeth underneath, human in nature.

"That's a little too much strength" sivalaary remarked, corners of their mouth curving in a soft smile.

"My apologies, I was-" Xera stopped mid sentence. Ren's lips wrapped around matrixoid's thumb, sucking it.

Xera obliged. Their thumb moving deeper into the warm, welcoming wetness of sivalaary's mouth. Matrixoid explored how cheeks stretched under their touch; how the teeth bit on their rigid surface, and how a slick tongue been stealing licks on their tip.

Ren pulled off.

"Touch me" sivalaary's hands guided Xera's over their covered torso. Light fabric wrinkling under their touch.

Dark fingers caressed Ren's white chest, diving behind the collar of their lace robe. Sivalaary's muscles tensed under the cool touch. The matrixoid continued probing at them, testing their own strength. Intensity of it made Ren squirm in anticipation as they began unwrapping their belt, baring their chest, and revealed lace panties, that covered their sex. They were soaking wet.

"Here" Ren placed Xera's right palm over their crotch, fingers atop of their covered entrance.

Xera's fingers curled.

"Whoa-" Ren exhaled in surprise, their brow ridges arching and eyes closed. "You-" their pelvis rocked forward, thin fabric stretching as immovable fingers pressing deeper into their entrance,  "-sure have a knack for it." Sivalaary stole a glance at their client, - expression undefined for a moment, before softening. Their middle and upper pair of arms wrapped around Xera's waist and neck, steadying themselves as they began grinding against matrixoid's generous palm.

It took a few moments before Xera dipped behind the soaked panties. Three fingers slipping inside, leaving only a thumb outside. It was tight. Different to what the mouth had to offer. Much warmer, slicker. More enticing.

"Ohh-" Ren gasped for air, "yes-s, oh, that's right" they barely managed to whisper, pressing their body against matrixoid's, nesting their face in Xera's neck. "Move, please" sivalaary pleaded at the edge of it being inaudible.

Xera's fingers thrust forward. Strained moans escape from sivalaary's lips; their body shudders from the sudden force.

"That's too-" Ren's trembling voice trails off, as matrixoid adjusts their speed to match rocking of sivalaary's hips; fingers pressing atop a spongy surface, working it.

Matrixoid's free hand wrapped around Ren's waist, just enough force to slightly raise them both. Pressure of sivalaary's own weight combined with unyielding, even thrusts sent darts of electric heat rushing through every fiber of their being.

Sivalaary's fingers clawed at the smooth surface, catching at the edges where the plates met. Their lower, - free roaming before, - pair of hands grabbed Xera's thighs, pulling them in an iron grip as their body froze. Their walls clenched around matrixoid's fingers, which pushed forward, tipping their climax over the edge.

Metal fingers slipped out, hand wrapping around sivalaary's waist, joining the other hand.

"That was-" Ren quietly breathed out, catching their breath "really good for the first time" - they mused softly as their grip on Xera laxed; face burrowed into the plated neck, eyes closed and their breathing smooth.

Xera allowed sivalaary to rest in their arms. Their body warm where both of them touched.


"All is done, thank you-" Ren's gaze lifted from datapad in their upper hands. Spots of glowing blue rushed across their face. "And thank you for waiting for me. Looks like I've drifted off for a moment there-" their silvery voice flowed softly, accompanied by an apologetic expression. "It was unprofessional of me." Sivalaary placed their device on a small table next to the entrance to their apartment, where both of them stood. Red, silky robe fluttered shyly as they moved.

"That is alright" matrixoid tilted their head in acknowledgment; their voice undefined in its multifacial calmness.

"Do you really have to go right now?" Sivalaary pondered, notes of melancholy creeped into their voice for a brief moment.

"Yes. I have been called upon-" Xera paused as they were about to leave the apartment. Their face turned to sivalaary's. "Thank you for obliging with my request" they added.

Wide, sincere smile bloomed across Ren's face. Their eyes were sparking with joy. 

"It was my pleasure."

"May I have a request of my own?"

After a short pause, Xera replied: "Yes."

"Come to me next time when you're free." 

"Second part of the lesson is on me."



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