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"Would you like something to drink?" Ren asked as they entered sivalaary's apartment. While discussing the price it turned out that Xera didn't have living quarters within the civilian city, but in the military one, - which was right above the sky dome, on an upper level of Asidaran - and to which civilians were denied entry.

"I do not require any consumables, but thank you for the offer nevertheless."

Ren nodded, "alright, straight to the business then."

Sivalaary invited the matrixoid within their humble abode, leading them towards a small room with an oversized double bed.

"You can shed your armor and take the shower first as I prepare the bed" Ren pointed out to another door, which led from the bedroom they were in to a bathroom, while taking out a fresh set of bedsheets from the drawer across.

Moment of silence passed, Xera not moving from their spot.

"Is there something wrong?" Ren turned to see their client standing still. Red, silky bedsheets in sivalaary's hands.

"No, there is not, how to put it-" Xera raised their arm. "It is my body" matrixoid's arm split into many strands before Ren's eyes before returning as it were, but now looking much smoother, polished, as if brand new, with no scratches from just a moment ago.

"Oh-" it took a moment for Ren to process, "then how'd you be able to, well, have sex?"

"I can transform-" Xera pointed at their crotch. "Form, what is not there" a slit appeared where they were pointing out. Its folds plum and sealed, and yet so suggestive.

"So you're just like us then!" Ren's excited voice rang up louder than anticipated. "I've never knew it was a thing, and I don't think that I have a right to pry into Fleet's business, but it's so cool to be not the only ones with tricks up their sleeves" Ren joked heartily.

Xera nodded in their barely noticeable manner "I will take the shower offer, still."


Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/veiled-request-1-78093557

Part 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/veiled-request-3-78545703



I'm intrigued by Xera and Ren's interactions so far and those bits of world building too 👀


Thank you Aureym!~ This part went extremely smoothly, on one breath I have to say, glad that you like the development ^^