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I did a thing called art vs artist (and haven't shared it anywhere xD), and it inspired me to start an icon with Red in a painted style, so that's the first wip. 

The second wip includes me collecting ideas for androids' design as a whole. Some of the b/w lines might not be included later on or altered, as I'm still looking for something that will unify them and allow you to come up with your own, lore friendly, designs.

Right now I feel like they are a lil too "stiff", so that might take some time to come up with the diversity I had initially in mind for them.

Speaking of lore, there's a draft. Yet I was wondering which things I should focus on. Should I include more about them living in human society, their relations with them, or how androids managed to escape them, or more about how they arrived in Arnainskiy Cross and are living there in the present time? There are also mentions of initial contact between human delegation and T'egra's Union's Great Council, at which bodyguards escorted their masters. Just, so much stuff to tell, which might result in it being too much I fear xD So if you have some key points you'd like to know - let me know and I'll focus more on them~

Upd: the variety is on its way~

Upd2: Just look at this timid boy. He's also an android. 100% lore friendly model. I was thinking that after the ref is completed, you'll be free to grab their models for yourself and color/change them to your liking, which will make their "launch" much more interesting to begin with x3



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