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Compiled a little more coherent ref for Maverick~

So far, this is what has been mentioned about him:

Maverick - Shegu Atherau's (current leader of Transcendence battle cult) assistant. You can count him as leader's right hand. While Shegu is the main action figure, Maverick is the one who is actually running the business. He is always on the move with various errands, contracts, agreements, debt collecting or just making a nice herb tea for his master.

Maverick will visit Idol's Research Facility and meet almost everyone from the group - Eiden, Xera, Vega, Rah and even pet the last one's doggos.

He is also often referred to as the "man in black", while his master, Shegu Atherau - the Transcendence's current leader - is referred to as the "man in white". All thanks to their respective black and white capes that they always wear. Be it on a ceremony, or on a shopping day - no casual clothes for them. Maverick's wardrobe is 90% cape. He also likes green tea. When some kid calls him a pirate, he either says "Arrr!" and strikes a cool pose, while dispersing his cape to the sides for a better effect, or smiles and touches his lips with his pointing finger in a silence gesture - depending on how much time he has or how appropriate the place is.



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