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So! It was Ciao's idea to turn their human character, Phosphene, into a matrixoid after the "human face" issue surfaced yet again. 

To say that I was happy to hear this idea is understatement, as it's one of the lore-friendliest ones there could be, as anyone of organic origin, and intelligent consciousness, can become a matrixoid. Albeit it's one way trip to be trapped within a matrix, yet one that is full of possibilities.

For this particular piece I've decided to bring up a planet known as Veylus (the 6th planet from the binary star in Assa system - pretty much the main hub of all the activities of T'egra's Union within Arnainskiy Cross galaxy). In the past it surfaced only as some small concepts, and now I feel like more planets should be explored and shared. Veylus' initial idea was one of a huge-pillar-mushroom formations that were organic in nature yet looking somewhat like stones, except for the parts where it was breaking down and showing the soft, glowing tissue. While part of the planet could be compared somewhat to the Earth (partially the climate and some landscapes), the other part has been scorched eons ago along with the other four planets closest to Asnatar and Savaradan (system's binary star) (those four planets being Oga, Di, Granderon and Sitan (sivalaary's home planet), and their moons, - while Tladas (the 5th planet) has been covered by Sitan at that time and thus has survived the flares)

For the Phosphene herself, I wanted to integrate some shapes from her original costume as well, thus most intricate shapes are happening around her chest and face having that significant hood's triangle pointing down and two horns countering it and showing her fiery nature~

Posts including Veylus' concept art: https://www.patreon.com/dawnatsunset?filters[tag]=Veylus
Assa system's concept art:
Arnainskiy Cross galaxy's general info:




Love this piece! Absolutely stunning work