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Pencil sketch+clip studio overpaint, after applying all the fixes from their official website cs now performs even worse... rip

Anyways, here you can see Reagkhay's Breath in action, albeit somewhat disturbed one. Regarding the Breath itself, in short: they are living organisms which feed on the planet's core, releasing fumes as a byproduct in the process, which is also forms Reagkhay's atmosphere and is responsible for the weather itself. In the summer periods, midday skies are turquoise, with emerald streaks and yellowish horizons; atmosphere feels quite dense and moist due to intensified Breath's activity, and in winter it slows down, releasing clear, blueish sky and light, dry atmosphere, during which many plants become less active or stop growing completely. And yes, in the winter temperature drops significantly as well, as the fumes Breaths' produce are warm and moist, coming all the way from the active planet's core, to which veins, like roots, connected these massive beings, forming a network covering all the corners of the world.



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