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Hey-hey, I'm alive! Sorry for the dead silence this month, I'll try to pick up the pace, tho it's a bit difficult due to a high work load; nevertheless I hope you all doing well wherever you are on the globe!

Here you can see that Ego received an upgrade to her face and neck. Now she will not mutate into her "monstro-form" rather it will be an actual part of her. Those lines on the face and down to the neck are her actual full mouth, with female-like lips being as kind of disguise/pretty feature to not to scare humans who worked on her but not been a part of an engineering crew itself.

I've also added a complication of works with her normal and monster mouth, so you'll have a little bit better understanding of what and which direction it was changed exactly.

Also, I've been thinking about her name, EGO, and came to conclusion that it can be an abbreviature standing for Evolved Genetic Organism, so that it will make a little bit more sense (well, at least I hope so).



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