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So I was sketching as usual, and then I remembered about spacetrains.

In the past they did a little, just carried people and goods from afar. Yet what if they were mining resources as well? On their own, I mean (pilots and staff are still included). As they are a hybrid technology, that has more or less one job, it can achieve better results rather than forcing matrix cities to both sustain stable atmosphere, fields, gravity etc and also mine at the same time.

And I'm definitely struggling with the decision. I really don't want mining facilities to be like on the Earth (yet I was thinking about them when Sitan was just created as a planet). There are still quite a lot of stuff that I've never talked about before. Like, for example, energy wells. They aren't holes in the ground, they are flying structures, that can be roughly described as segmented tubes, inside of which are rings of unleashed matrix energy, which are needed for purifying of Ancients' and hybrid technology. The thing is that if not careful, your life energy can be sucked by and stuck within the matrices. If smaller ones can be cleansed by sivalaary's priests, spaceships and other massive structures can only be freed from a such 'pollution' only within these wells. And yes, there is no coming back after the life was sucked by the matrix, it's only possible for sivalaary to merge with groups of matrices that are spaceships or other massives of technology. And even that is dangerous for a long-term basis, because sivalaary spend their own energy for feeding the matrices, and that's a double while they are merged. So for humans and other species it's lethal in other words (Ancients' experiments with teleportation doesn't counts, they are a different story), and so does for the Matrix World itself. 

Foreign energy for the Matrix World is like a rot, that spreads throughout its thin strings of pure energy, and it, the rot, emerges directly from a cube that is responsible for the infected sphere.

Also, here are a few old sketches of the trains:



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