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When people ask me about inspiration, I always say that it should come from within you. All things around should be just a tools to help you express what you are feeling, your wishes and desires, your inner self. There is no need to spent tons of time watching others' stuff, it's curious, indeed, yet it's destructive after a while, because you can't copy that or that style, know something as good as that or that person etc. It's discouraging, yet wait, who needs someone else's experience if you can make your own? It doesn't matter how good it is at that moment, the important thing is that you are doing it right now! You're actually making something that resembles you and your world, and that's awesome! Continue to do so as if your life depends on it! One day you will look back and thank yourself for being stubborn and, well, being yourself! That's all that matters, and no one should say you otherwise. 

Don't ask me why I've written it, I just had an urge to share it. Oh wait, I know the reason, I'm being inspired by my old sketches. I flipped through my sketchbook and found this page:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/sivalaary-25238849 - for some reason it still has for me a unique vibe, I can't explain it clearly, yet it's something remote and calm, unusual to my usual stuff and thus magnetic, I guess.

And yup, that's a WIP, I just didn't want to spoil it with any excess stuff.



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