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Back from the dark corners of my mind~

Most and main thing, I need to balance my life. Need to add some diversity in it. Probably I'll finish some books that I bought a year ago or so... and I want to make a few hammocks for my rats within this week. Uhh... still need to change water within four of my fish and shrimp tanks. And I finally woke up early today (9 am instead of 2 pm), but I still have troubles with falling asleep (today I fell asleep around 4 am - pretty common time for me lately...), yet I still hope to change it as soon as possible. Also, today is the first day for a long time that I don't feel myself as a crap (but I must admit, that I'm not satisfied with today's designs... yet it's not that bad feeling as it could be before).

I know I can't jump above my head, yet I wish I could...

I'm still torn between traditional and digital media. I love feeling paper, brushes, but world wants CG, and now I feel that I'm out of the picture.

Feeling really stuck.

Thank you for staying with me.

Back to: and yes, these clothes looks really weird, probably I will need to check how the actual clothes looks like on a real people...



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