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So here is another "type" of matrixoids - a live skin.

Not literally, but visually. 

They resemble live beings with smooth and elastic surface (skin). They still made of frame threads, yet they hold additional matrices which play role of some kind of neural centers for the body. And they are expensive. Very, very expensive.

Some of live skin matrixoids have custom skeletons made of antaritan (native and exclusive metal to Sitan - sivalaary's home planet). Such skeletons created only for the one purpose - to provide stable appearance and body shape for the matrixoid itself (i.e no unpredictable shifting as it been mentioned in the previous post regarding "non-skeletal" matrixoids).

Back to: This one matrixoid belongs to female gastar. She is not a soldier (at least, not anymore) nor she works anywhere right now. Mostly, because of transference post-trauma and some lost memories within the Matrix World. After death her soul spent too much time within MM, and it happened because her original matrix sphere been destroyed during explosion and sivalaary-cleansers had to return her from free roaming of plains of Matrix World into the new matrix sphere because of her father's plea (he's Minister of Defense far in Sarach Union, and he had enough wealth to request such an unusual operation after he found that his daughter still might be alive somewhere far away from our world).

Actually, now I'm thinking that it might be a reason why such matrixoids would be even created... Because for the military reasons they aren't practical, too expensive and even fragile in some way (antaritan is very "tough" metal, yet because of tiny-bones structure he can't withhold directly aimed warheads as good as huge warships made of it and frame threads).

So yes, for now that's it. 

Summary: Live skin matrixoids made to simulate person that it belongs to. They are expensive and impractical for the most times. Still they are partially immortal (until the main matrix is not destroyed), may hold high positions within the society (time-experience related). Good for any kind of non-combat hard work (welp, but I don't think that they will be altruistic enough to work in mines...)

UPD: here I found an old work of human's live skin matrixoid:



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