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So, I was away from home for some time, and when I back I found my betta fish half-dead because of street diseases (I bought him from hands on market). First I thought that his fins was down because he is still young, but instead it was a mix of rotting fins and Chilodonella.

Now I have a lot of medicine for an aquarium...

And now I can manage salt baths for the fish.

I think that the last one bath for him will be tomorrow.

Also, now I have 9 adult shrimps and some fry... and, of course, two of Corbicula javanicus and 11 little Theodoxus(es?).

Sorry guys, I was too exhausted to make any drawings after tonnes of water changes, killing parasites and healing poor betta aka Richard and everyone else in the tank to make sure that the diseases won't spread further :/

P.S.: Hope I'll make some sketches today... but It's already night x_x


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