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Lately I've been thinking about other types of Idols (idols of support you can find by tag "idol" at the bottom of this post), and I also thought that assault ones is the best choice to begin with. Foremost because they're small and can have different equipment, depending on the combat formation and their role within it.

Also a few weeks ago I have been asked about Idols, and I think that I should show it here as well.

Here it is:

Q: Do idols function as fully independent creatures? Or do they need special care and maintenance like living "machines"? 

A:  The first is correct - idols are self-contained creatures. Their bodies constructed with self-regenerated exoskeleton. Regeneration directly provided by synthetic liquid within their body. That liquid always is in a state of decomposition reaction, while creatures are active. At the same time decomposition causes exothermic reaction, which feeds the first one, and that's how it creates an infinity cycle, so idols can survive most of the critical damages (except for the loss of the head or mass explosion). But also they can stop that loop. By slowing chemical reactions idols can plunge itself into stasis till time has come, and they will be awakened by themselves or by someone else.

And here is basic sketches:



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