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Ninth World also known as Arastan - named after the fortress city, which is located on the mainland of Galor. 

For now world has three mainlands - Galor, Inoa, Boa, - and one continent - Orush. Before the First Explosion all terra firma was one whole. First Explosion tore apart ground into two parts - Galor and Orush. Second Explosion tore apart Galor and Orush and separated Inoa and Boa from them, but still between Galor and Inoa exists isthmus - Veydas. Third Explosion wasn't so massive, but it tore borders of Orush, Inoa, Boa and Galor with many cracks and 'islands'. Half of world's population was destroyed by that time. 

Absolute - it is heart of that world. Energy. Jail of Valmira - deity who personifying the dark beginning. But in that world color of darkness not a black, it is pale pink and violet. There is also opposite side, who created that cell and all around it. Valtara - goddess of light in ancient legends, but she also known as one, who has a mortal sin, and by which hand all Titans of old world were turned into Avaloks - mindless beasts and slaves of former slaves, instead of mighty civilization which they where before.

Colors of light here is pale green and pale yellow, more mystic meaning has pale blue  (color of space outside the White Crystallic Shield).  

Also cycle of day and night depends from White Shield and its glow strength.

Any living thing that falls into Absolute turning into ashes. That is how was created Tadar - fog - which fills all the cracks and is the kind of protection for the Absolute. Everything could be even okay, but there is one big but... Valmira's energy not only kills, it's also enslaves, and there still many fools who fells into tadar to see their beloved goddess...

To resist foggy hybrids (enslaved and mutated creatures) were created Squads of Beaters, - people, who pushes beasts back to borders of cracks and sends them through tadar back to its mother.

At the moment Valmira has not enough power for next Explosion, but still she has enough power for creating another hybrids and finding admirers...



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