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Hey peeps! It's that time again to get your name in the credits. Here is what you need to do if you're interested:

-Like this post if you want your patreon name to be used.

-Comment or DM me if you'd like to be credited with another handle or name instead.

-Do neither of these things if you aren't interested at all (pls don't like this post and get mad at us for crediting you...)

We will be releasing the Beta to the public soon (not estimate, we know I'm bad at those...). All that is left to do on our end is for us to finalize all the licensing rights for all the music we're adding to the game, then we are a go.

Talk to you soon!

- King_Lesbian


Anthony kolat

Rave master and just like last time if your welling add a easter egg under the name


I am not sure how exactly you can DM people on patreon hmm... If you ever consider making a patreon, please contact me, I am quite knowledgeable in the subject and would love to help you guys make one! This will make communicating with fans MUCH easier! :3