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Hey peeps, so we got the animations we've been waiting on. Went to put them into the build and noticed that some of the story is missing... My best guess is some silly person (me), committed some conflicting files and it saved part of the build to an older state... I can't find any backups for that work, so looks like I'm redoing that work manually... I'm pissed, but that's the price for stupidity.

No matter what, this beta is going out January (I tried so hard, honestly...). I'm not going to say a specific day yet, since I honestly dont know; likely later in the month. It will be this month though, I refuse to let you good people give us another cent until we have something for you. So back to work for me and talk soon.



Anthony kolat

thank you for informing us. i understand your pain and that mistakes can happen keep up the good work and try not to over work your self your only human after all.