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”You have no idea how thankful I am that you’re here now!” Shining Armor spoke quickly. 

Fluttershy nodded as she looked back at her friends, all giving confident smiles and nods.

“Of course, when we heard about Sombras return we knew you would need the help, considering the battle against Thorax has been a bit crazy for your kingdom.“ 

”Yes, yes, but Chrysalis has been ever so helpful in telling us details about her home.“

”I hope one day she will be able to return as the rightful queen.” Fluttershy said with hope.

”Now about Sombra…?” Flutter spoke a bit more forcefully, feeling as if Shining was avoiding it. 

Cadance came through the doors before he could speak, her eyes beamed once she saw Fluttershy.


Fluttershy perked her ears and grew a big smile. They both embraced as Shining stepped forward clearing his throat.

“Umm, Flutter, there is ONE thing we haven’t exactly told you…fully.”

“Yes, you said something about Sombra.“ Twilight said, just wanting to get to the point.

”Well, he’s back and I should have told you but…” Shining nervously rubbed his hoof.

”He’s on our side now Flutters.“ Cadance spoke happily. “Well, hehe, kinda.”

Fluttershy pushed away from her Sister. “WHAT!? Impossible, he’s over taken this kingdom before. And now he’s just miraculously on your side?”

“That makes no sense, no way, he’s up to something!” Pinkie Pie said stepping forward.

“Now wait, it’s a…long story but it’s ok!“ Cadance spoke softly.

“Then why would you be BEGGING us to come!? An emergency!?” Flutter huffed.

”Beeecaauuseee, the emergency is a good thing?” 

Fluttershy and her friends all looked annoyed.

“Listen, Sombra has come up with an idea to stop and finally win the battle against the changlings.. But to do it, we meed your help.“

”Nope, I don’t believe it. He’s up to something. Let me meet him and be the judge…” Fluttershy paused. Unable to finish the sentence as the door opened.

Sombra stood proudly, ordering some other pony around.

“I just don’t understand! It’s not that hard to put your guards where they need to be!” Sombra yelled.

He huffed and looked over, locking eyes with Fluttershy.
“Huh, so this is the group you were telling me about.“ 

Fluttershy gulped a new feeling arising in her heart. Oh no. He was handsome. Crap, buts he’s the villain. Right?


Yup, Fluttershy is literally love at first sight. Does she try to force it away saying he’s a bad guy, yeah, but none the less she falls for him.

However, it only takes the mane 6 a few days after a long story about Sombra, to realize he truly might be changing with help.

Also, Thorax is a bad guy, Chrysalis is not.
Cadance is Fluttershys sister. (She is a unicorn, Shining is a Alicorn). 
