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Magnolia looked up at her adoptive mother. 


Rarity gave her daughter a tight squeeze and then looked her in the eyes. "Really."

Magnolia smiled and wiped the tears from her face. 

"Those town ponies don't know nothing about you. Do I look like I care that you’re part bat?" Rarity said. 

Magnolia giggled and said no. 

After a firm nod of approval, Rarity lifted her daughter's hoof into hers. "Your MY daughter. And nothing will change that. Your perfect to me!" 

"Thanks...Mom." Magnolia said softly. Forever grateful her mother is Rarity. 


Just a small snip bit. Magnolia deals will a lot of bulling due to her being a bat and her one wings being deformed. Bats are not very common in equstria and are viewed badly. This is due to Celestia putting a bad word about them because she hates luna. But because of their new truce, Celestia has allowed Bat ponies to come back in to Equestria, although very few have because of the hostility. 

But anyway, Rarity is always there to remind her daughter how important she is not matter what! 

I look forward to drawing more of Magnolias family as I want to expand on it some more! 

Also my design for Rarity, I decided to keep the original idea I have for her! 
