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Fire Bolt slowly walked on the ground, he hated it, his wings had started to cramp from not flying. He went from flying all day, every day. To not at all. Fire stretched out his right wing at little to release some tension. 

He sighed and just kept walking, not entirely sure with his destination. Mom finally let him out after the doctor said it was a ok to take off the wrap, as long as he wore a patch still. If ponies looked at him from the left, all was good. Which is what he made sure when he passed ponies. 

He knew full well how much he messed up, and the prince gave him a mark of reminder on his face. Granted they both forgave each other which he was grateful for, but no one else seemed to. Not like he was the one hurt the most…

Fire Bolts ears flicked to a familiar sound of laughing.  He turned his head and peered up to the clouds, seeing three young foals together. Fire recognized one as Rain Drop, one of his previous “rivals.” The other was Golden Comet. He didn’t know him well besides that his parents are Thunder Lane and Lightning Dust. But the third one, he DID know well. Thunder Chaser.

Dusk rubbed his leg, this was a good time as any. He wanted to get better and change, so let’s start with the first pony he actually hurt.

“Thunder?” Fire Bolts voice came out kinda strained from nervousness.

But it was loud enough.

Thunder looked down and saw his old friend. He turned back and looked at his friends.

“Hold on guys, think imma have to deal with THIS.” He rolled he eyes as he pointed to the blue pony on the ground.
Rain snickered while Comet just looked at Fire sadly.

Thunder opened up his wings and glided down from the cloud with ease. Stopping directly in front of Fire Bolt.

Fire gulped but tried to keep his composure.

“Hello Thunder.” Was all he could currently muster. Why was apologizing so hard when he was the one that had to do It…

”Fire…what do you want?” Thunder huffed. “I do believe I made it clear the last time we saw each other I wanted nothing to do with you? Correct?”

Fire nodded. “I know, I just…I…I wanted…” He felt so weak and held in the tears, not only from this feeling but also the pain in his eye resurfacing.

“Come on now, you can do it! Spell it out if you need too.” Thunder sneered.

Fire Bolt shrunk down. “I wanted to apologize to you…” he said in a slight whisper.

Immediately Thunder tensed and stomped a hoof forward and flared his wings.

“Appologize? Appologize!? Really!? I’m going to stop you right there.”

Fire gulped. “Please, I’m trying to do better…”

”I don’t care, your name is ruined as a young little foal. Which I think you fully deserve. I tried to help you over and over Fire but you never took it. Everything was your fault. I’m glad your stupid eye is messed up. You deserve EVERYTHING that has happened to you.“ Thunder yelled.

Fire Bolt wanted to speak but didn’t, somehow, he himself was starting to believe those words too.

“Your not getting my, “Oh don’t worry Fire Bolt, I forgive you. It’s alright!“ crap from me! Now get out of here Fire. And don’t try to talk to me again…” Thunder gave one deadly glare and then lifted off from the ground flying back to his new group.

Fire whimpered and quickly ran back to the house, tears flowing down his face. The whispers, taunts, threats, nothing hurt him more than truly losing his only friend.


A couple months after the accident. Fire Bolt, due to his mothers grounding and doctors orders, had to stay indoors or at least stay on his property for a few months until it healed enough to just wear a patch.

So when he finally got to Appologize to Thunder, he was extremely crushed to lose his only friend. His friend that became like everyone else. But new friends always arise!

Also changed Thunder Chasers design because by golly it sucked and now this is much better color wise! Also made Fire Bolts color not so dull!



Kimberly Jackson

Poor Fire bolt, I wanna give him a hug so badly, but omg you did so good with this story