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Lightning didn’t exactly have THE best childhood. Of course, growing up she had money, anything she wanted she got, and had an extremely popular father, Wind Rider.
When Wind Riders wife died he was left with young, new born Lightning. At first he truly wanted her gone as he never cared for her much when she was born. But over time, that little filly really grew on his heart.
The public loved her, he would carry her every where in a baby holder. Everyone saying he was #1 dad for the year. If the public said it, you better believe he put everything into making himself the best dad possible.
So when Lightning discovered her talent in flying, she did everything to work on it to please her father. She did everything to make her father proud.

Wind Rider loved flying with his daughter and he taught Light everything he knew! When Wind Rider became number one Wonder Bolt in history, Light said she would too. However, there was only one, tiny problem. Rainbow Dash and her mother. For them, it was the same thing. Windy Whistles and Wind Rider where constantly at each others throats for becoming the best. It changed Wind Rider. So much so he started to change into a nasty, cheating, jerk. All he wanted was to be number one. He cared for nothing else. 

Both parents taught there children the same thing, you gotta be first. Even if training breaks your wings off. Building the rivalry between light and Dust.

She HATED it. Light hated the constant battle now. Not because she didn‘t like the challenge. But because she was always second to Rainbow. Which made her life turn around and now she was considered “not the best young flyer.” It grated her nerves how mad her father got every time she lost to Rainbow. To the point Wind Rider just kicked her out by the time she was 18.

“If you want me in your life again, get up and beat that stupid Rainbow Dash!“ He yelled, “A disgrace…” 

So that’s what her life purpose became. Beating Rainbow Dash to please her father.

So when she lost at Wonder Bolt Academy, it angered her. Lightning Dust wanted her father back. He was the best. She knew he was doing the right thing! Obviously! That whole cheating thing he did, psh, it was for a good reason! And it was to beat Rainbow because she called him out!

But when that stupid blue pony destroyed Her AGAIN just cause SHE didn’t like what Lightning was doing she lost it. Lightning truely enjoyed the washouts and Rainbow kicked her tail again. Just cause it was too dangerous. Well suck it up Rainbow, sorry your too much of a wuss to do it.

She fell so deep into a feeling of nothingness she sank into the barrel.

Thats where Thunder found her. Miserable, sad, and defeated. Broke. 

Perhaps a friendly hoof could her get back on her feet.

This is not the whole story to LD of course as I want to expand on it more. I really like lightning Dust and wish they could have done a bit more with her (Like every character in this show lol) But that’s was artists like me are for, we do it for you guys xD 

And yup, hard not to use Wind Rider as her dad now. Such a good idea. And now you know where Rainbow got her, push push push, attitude. It was from Her mother.
I actually plan on doing back stories, or just talk about the mane 6 parents. Probably starting with Rainbows or Twilights! 



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