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Heres a few ideas I got so far!

 fighting for a mate or dominance. 



  • Fighting for a mate is not really something ponies in equestria do anymore. However, it’s not UNCOMMON. For example, Party Favor attacks Cheese as a fight for Pinkie Pie when he becomes very mad. This is not against the law, however both parties MUST agree to a fight in body language or verbally. fighting for dominance however, is very uncommon, mostly done in young colts messing around with one another. Fighting for dominance in a very nasty, cruel way is illegal (nipping on the flank or neck is fine).
  • Grooming. Horses/ponies in equestria definitely do this. They do it as friends, lovers, or family members. They are soft little bites and nickers that show GREAT affection towards the one you do it to. Its one of the biggest ways you can tell the pony “I love You.” 
  • Ears for language. Im going to put this in my comic even more so. And it’s ears. Ears are highly expressive in horses! And definitely used!

So just a few snip bits. I will expand much more on these things slowly as I flesh out ideas! But yeah! I really want to start adding this stuff in my work and definitely my comic to make it feel more expressive!