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Cotton Candy and Ribbon become very close once they are older. Of course, it takes a long time until Party Favor understands him leaving was wrong and tries to make up for it.

Ribbon, once old enough, does meet her mother and sister. And immediately loves them both as if she had known them her whole life!

No cutie marks. Redoing Cottons and need one for Ribbin xD 






A balloon bow cutiemark would be cute I think. And what is cotton's?

Kimberly Jackson

Awwwwww so cute! I was wondering when you were going to do here as me seeing chapter one of the comic lol, but I love that she got to meet her mother


Cottons is cotton Candy, but I’m changing it to Candy pieces. Ribbon has a talent for dancing I’m thinking, so probably along those lines! ^.^


Ohh a pony shape in a tu tu! Kind of like twilight when she was the music box ballerina