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So we reached 5 Patreons again while I finished these up so this is perfect!  I was gonna post last night but it was waaaayyyy to late for my brain to type when I finished them. Haha!

So here are your 10 free adopts!


-Put your how much you want  them in order. For example,

1, 5, 8, 2, 4, 3, 7, 10, 9, 6.

This tells me, you really want 1 and 5 while 8 and 2 comes close in second. This will help get adopts to those who really want specific ones! 

-Everyone gets 2 headshots!

-If you want separate files. You must message me or note me on DA as I can’t send files through here. 

-I ask you to NOT resell unless it has extra art

I will do another post separately saying who got who in about a week, or when everyone comments! If you dont want any, the remaining adopts will be sold on DA. 



Kimberly Jackson

7 and 10! While 9 and 2 was really close in second


5 and 9!