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Apple Pie couldn’t believe it. Today was the day. The day she would finally meet her father for the very first time. She was 18. The age her mom allowed her to go see him by her choice. But for her children, Apple Jack would not take them. But it was only because Trender Hoof never wanted to see them.

Apple Pie had a picture. She watched him in the papers. His talent. His talent she wanted to follow.

She looked up from the picture she held, and there he was standing in front of his designers clothes store, Trenders Talents. He was standing next to a beautiful white mare who had a light tan filly, roughly around 10 years, dancing around her hooves. Her father laughed loudly as he patted the young child’s head.

Apple Pie took a big breath of courage and stepped forward slipping the picture away.

“Umm, hello Sir.” Apple Pie said.

Trender look over to were he heard the voice. He noticed Apple Pie and smiled but before he could talk he took her in. Young, tan, white hair. The markings. His voiced failed him for a few seconds. But he quickly shook the thought forming.

“Hello young filly. How may I help you today.” He said, his voice smooth and charming.

The mare and filly behind walked into the store behind him as they said chatted with one another.

“I…know this is kinda sudden. But…my name is Apple Pie. Daughter of Jackaline Apple. I do believe you are my father.” Apple Pie said with as much courage and respect in her voice as she could muster.

Trender opened his mouth but shut it. So it was true. Of course it was. It was so obvious the moment he saw her. The perfect mix of Apple Jack and him. He had to admit, his daughter was beautiful. A lovely young lady. He even caught notice of her cutie mark. Surprised she even took after sewing, like him. He watched as Apple Pie smiled hoping for something. For a moment he felt guilt, but pushed it away, no. He wanted no part of that life. He had his new life.

“I see. Yes, Apple Pie. So it seems, yes, I am your father.” Trender said casually.

The causality caught Apple Pie off guard but she quickly regained composure.

“Yes. I have been looking forward to meeting you. I was hoping we could talk. Yes?” Apple Pie said almost too excitedly.

“Well, you have met me. And we are talking. Anything else.” Trender said as he started to turn away.

“W..wait. Please.”

”What are you truly after filly.”

“Guidance, father. I would love to follow your steps in fashion. I have created a great collection. I was hoping that could be something we…maybe could bond over. I would like to get to know my father.”

“Filly, you know everything about me, I’m sure your mother filled you in just fine. And no, I am not taking ANYONE in. I’m busy. Leave.”

”what?” Apple Pie took a step back. Surprised by his answer. She couldn’t believe it. Immediately her thoughts went back to her mother. Saying how he left because he was weak. Couldn’t stand children. Unable to raise any. Left the farm in shambles.

Soon anger filled her eyes.

Trender turned and went to enter his store. Immediately the slightly pushed open door was slammed shut. He looked over and saw Apple Pies hoof.

“REALLY. I travel all this way to meet you and that’s how you react! Im disgusted! Mother WAS right. You are pathetic.”

At this point he noticed the tears. Trender folded his ears back and he looked away from her.

“I looked forward to this for YEARS. And yet…I guess I wasn’t expecting my father to be coward my mother said he was. A jerk she said you were. Pathetic.” She sniffed as she gasped for air.

She turned away as the white mare came out.

“What’s going on out her?” She spoke.

“My dear, please not now.” Trender spoke forcefully.

Apple Pie gasped when she clicked the two together.

“I see. You gave up my mother for someone else. Right.”

Trender couldn’t look up. Immense guilt had built up no matter how much he tried to fight it. This is why he didn’t want to see them. He never left the guilt but he could never go back.

His ears pricked back up as he heard his daughter speak to him for the last time in a while.

“I guess…I just wanted to prove my mother wrong.”

He finally looked up and he watched Apple Pie, head held low, slowly walk away, tears hitting the pavement below.

His wife looked up at Trender, in confusion. “I…would prefer not to talk right now, Lilly Pad.”

She nodded as they went inside.


The moment Apple Pie finally met her father for the first time. And it was nothing like she had hoped for.



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