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i will just left it like that by now(maybe for forever), i want to color this better somehow but i dont know, maybe i will back to this ones(i starting feel burn out again)  and try to improve coloring in the future(i saying this too much lately) 


probably i shouldn't try to paint, this is cost too much time and energy for me. i should find way to draw faster, maybe just simplest flat colors or do some better time manage, idk........................ i tired to noticing actions done by myself that ruin my life for me, me is my worst enemy xD


is it ok if i write some feelings and opinion about drawing like that sometimes? please let me know(maybe there too much negative)




Please feel free to unwind, there's always the chance someone can give some useful feedback here in the comments, or just to take thing off your chest regarding your work process.


I think it's fine to talk about how you feel about your drawings and sharing your opinions, it helps artists better understand what they need to do in the future. I think many artists feel the same way when it comes to making art, that it takes too long, but the more you draw the faster you get and so does your coloring skills as well. I feel like you're improving, just got to keep at it.