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dont force yourself to read that, i just wanna say something incase this will help me to draw more


feel various bad feelings lately, cant even focus on rest, watching or playing something - everywhere i see someone's artworks, half - unconsciously comparing myself with them,realizing how insignificant i am (maybe this will sound weird, but this is the main reason why i start trying to draw, trying to draw something similar to favorite artists is cool, but my own ideas seem not interesting for me most of the time). i dont like what i do lately, cant even draw commissions because i dont like sketch results that i have. idk how people constantly making art, its easy to take bad mood or artblock. i should just chill and do what i can, but i always think how i can improve drawing(which make results even worse probably) try some colors, overpaint here and there, this all not work, i dont like it, cant find that balance for drawing to make all parts work, dont want to post/repost few commissions that i done lately because of all that, my rough and messy sketches look better, but i understand this is not the way if i want to continue to draw probably..  




It's hard to not compare yourself to other artists, I think that's a problem almost every artist has. Learning to improve your own art is even harder, and everyone learns at different rates. Having someone you can trust to help you improve is good, if you can talk to someone about it, or even join a community. I like your work a lot, but I know that doesn't met your own expectations. I hope to see more of your improvement


I think comparing yourself to other people, especially those you deem better or more skilled than yourself is a perfectly normal thing, for some people it can be a source of inspiration/motivation and for others it could be a source of discouragement. I'm not skilled myself but I think using the people whom one deems superior or above them as a source of learning or as a teacher, in the way of expanding your own skills will lead to more confidence in your own work, but that's mainly from a technical skills point of view. In terms of ideas, I think everyone has their ups and downs, and ideas can come in a completely random moment, as the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. From an outside perspective ideas that seem more interesting or complex probably started as random thoughts which developed into more advanced things, and I think for anyone who wants to come up with better ideas, it sometimes necessary to just take a break, or even just do something else that takes your mind off of what you're currently stressed about, that's when inspiration and ideas come most often. Maybe its playing a bunch of cool games, or reading some interesting comics or books. From a drawing/painting point of view, other styles that artists use could be interesting to try out and experiment or can lead to expanding your own unique style, from a writing point of view the same applies when reading different book or watching movies etc.