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Okay guys, before to finish this lines I did more 3 sketches that need to be revised, I was just trying to save some time to delivery the higher quantity of pieces that I can on the Reward Pack. But once that we are on the last week of delivery, I will have to prioritize the 2 girls winners of the polls as I described on the schedule post, and then rearrange the pending pieces.

From now on, I believe that my average quantity of images per month will be around of 10 pieces plus variants, maybe more, maybe less, but this will be the average, just to have conditions to do all with no rush, considering that I'm always learning something new on the painting of each work

So, I will update you all when I have news, remembering that I'm just doing this to don't rush on the works and delivery to you a less quality on the pieces. You know, I want to keep improving, not the other way around.



Anon 49

Geez, 10 per month? That's awfully ambitious of you. But as long as you can do so without adversely affecting your life or help, I'm not complaining.


For me, you are the master of your time, i prefer waiting for good work, speed is good, but too much speed for a less work, no thank. Take your time my friend, i can wait and i know you will do the job you say, for the picture you make, i don't think anyone here need it for a specific event or something else :D


Yeah around 10, but maybe less or more, actually all will depends of the complexity of the pieces I will have to do. The number 10 it's just an average.


Thank you so much for such great understanding my friend! And for the kind words as well, I know that I have a lot of things to improve but, it's really good to see my efforts recognized. :D