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Hello All,

Just a quick update on E-Motion Final.   I am just putting in the final tweaks and doing a bunch of testing and tweaking to get everything dialed in as best I can!

Another major update in this version is how well E-Motion reacts to self and player interaction.
The system always built up interest in the hands, head or penis depending on their interaction with various body parts, but it had trouble switching targets due to the angles (looking down at the hand, would make the head out of view, so she wouldnt look back)
The angle issue has been resolved through other fixes to the gaze system and how it determines what is a valid target, and there are now additional checks in place to force a switch between the interactor and current target.

Ive also updated how interest is built and lost in the target hands and E-Motions own hands so that it builds (and falls) much faster under certain circumstances. The result is that shorter interesting moments can become the target of interest and draw her gaze.

E-Motion is pretty crazy in VR now, she is extremely reactive to you and what your doing, especially if your doing something to her directly :D

I am aiming for a release next week!



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