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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to apologize for the long absence without any updates, life has been busy and work has been even busier for months now, and I haven't had any time to do any work on E-Motion or any of the other plugins.

I do have a version of E-Motion that is more up to date than the current publicly available version and I am hoping to get it out on the hub within the next few weeks, however for now I am suspending payments from Patreons.  Come December 1 you will not be charged for your membership to my Patreon and I will continue to do this until I am able to start working on scripts again with some regularity.

Again I am really sorry I have not updated everyone sooner!



Happy to be an early tester of your current WIP if that can help. (I'm an experienced Unity developer and I also am working on my own VaM scripts)