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Its finally here! :)    E-Motion 1.7.4 is mostly a bug fixing update that brings significant stability and reliability improvements!  Hopefully its closer to plug-and-play now for all scenarios.

This is a 'loose' script version of E-Motion.   I am still looking into the Package Manager

Fixed issues with using E-Motion on Male models, causing some functions to fail
Fixed issues with loading scenes with E-Motion saved in them
Fixed issue with default load mechanic to prevent unwanted changes
Fixed issue with loading scenes that don't have a person target where the plugin doesn't do anything until it is reset
Fixed issue with finger sucking mechanism that caused eyes to twitch
Fixed issue with E-Motion modifying certain morphs even when Morph Control is disabled
Fixed issue with E-Motion modifying certain joints even when all body motion is disabled

Added option to enable or disable control of the Eye Target
Added option to set object target as primary target (ignores person target)
Added option to multiply the length of time each face/brow/eye/mouth state stays active
Added slider to control the amount of breast lift created by raising arms above the chest (Body Movement Settings)
Completed Reworked Kissing function
Character can now be interested in their own hands

Interest Based target selection now checks for relative angle to head before choosing a target
Current target can be overridden if head angle becomes too great in relation to the body (Distance and Angles)
Improvement to eye saccade movement for better eye wandering
Improvement to Avoidance/Glance target selection
Facial Expression tweaks and improvements
Lots of little code fixes in the background

Updating from an older version
When you update E-Motion, simply replace all the existing files with the new ones.  The included Presets will be replaced with updates, however your own presets will not be touched

When loading a preset from a previous version, unfortunately VAM sets missing options to 0. Check these values on your presets and once corrected, resave your preset
Feature Controls -> Eye Target Control (Enabled by default)
Personality Settings -> Expression Length Multiplier (1.0 by default)

Please see the included ReadMe file for usage instructions, and a text file with descriptions of all the sliders for reference

Included in this Package :
E-Motion 1.7.4
Hand Animator v1.4
Bulger 1.0
Light Point 1.0
V3 Long Hair v2 + Presets




I have an issue with the sound not playing... The wavs are loading correctly it seems but no sound is playing :/ Sound is working in other scenes with no issues


If you go into the scene sound manager, can you play any of the loaded sounds manually via the test button?


Love this plugin! I do have trouble getting a direct gaze. I have 'Personal Space' maxed out and 'Gaze Variation Mult' set to 0 as per your notes. My model still looks away for long periods sometimes. Any suggestions? Thanks again for this great plugin.

Dave C

Have you tried increasing the "Head Interest" slider which can be found towards the top of the column on the right in the plugin? I've set mine to 1.4.