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Version 1.6.2 of E-Motion is a little more user friendly with a new interface and updated help file to make accessing the different areas of emotion easier.

The new UI allows you to select which sections of the UI are visible a the same time. The options on the left side will reveal sliders on the left, and those on the right show on the right, allowing you to have key options open side-by-side for easier access.
More than one option can be selected at once for flexibility

There is a new feature that tries to simulate a sweaty look when she is aroused for an extended period by adjusting the skin materials Gloss, Specular Intensity and Specular Bump values.  When the feature is enabled it will capture the current values of your look and then adjust them to make the skin shinier.  Arousal must be above 8 for the effect to get applied and it builds and dissipates relatively slowly

Idle arm movements have been completely redone and give a much more natural set of motions.  They also work quite well in a lying down position such as on a bed

There are now a new set of options under 'Look Adjustments' that are designed to help you get the expressions to best fit your characters individual look.

Advanced Config file now available to disable certain look and face states. Several people have requested a way to disable certain looks (such as smiling) and this file is the solution.
Simple change any "True" to "False" to disable that state.

As usual alot of tweaks in and bug fixes in the background. E-Motions code is a bit over-the-top and Im always finding logic mistakes!

How to Install :
Extract the CUSTOM folder from the zip into your VAM installation.  If asked replace any existing files.
If you would like the example scene, also extract the SCENES folder into your VAM installation

How to Use (see ReadME for more detailed instructions)
Add a character to your scene and select them
Select the Plugins tab and click ADD
Navigate into the E-Motion folder and add the plugin file called E-Motion_AddThisONLY
Click the Show UI button to view E-Motions interface to configure E-Motion

I recommend you begin by using one of the many included presets to get going quickly, and adjust from there.  Once you are familiar with E-Motion and its functions you can create your own from the default template.


E-Motion 1.6.2 for Virt-A-Mate 1.18

Version 1.6.2 brings alot more polish to E-Motion with an overhaul of the User Interface to make it easier to access the various features and options. The included UI guide text file has also been updated to match the new UI layout to make it even easier to find help on each option Other improvements include an overhauled idle arm movement system and sweat simulation through material adjustments https://www.patreon.com/VRAdultFun



thanks. a ton of great changes

