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Download Full Package Here (Google Drive) (07/12/2019)
1.6.1 Hot Fix (Install after primary download) (09/12/2019)

Example Videos (Mostly SFW non nude Youtube) :
Head Tracking Test
Eye Saccade close-up
Idling for 5mins

How to Install :

It is recommended to delete your old E-Motion installation (Custom\Scripts\E-Motion) when upgrading to V1.6
Copy both folders in the ZIP into your VAM installation folder (where the VAM.EXE is). Choose to overwrite if asked.

If you have an existing preset from an older version of E-Motion, move it to custom\scripts\E-Motion\Presets\


Included in the Download :

E-Motion 1.6
Hand Animator v1.2
Bulger 1.0
Light Point 1.0
V3 Long Hair + Presets
Deepthroat morphs
Example Scene (you may get errors about missing morphs, just ignore them)

Option Morphs used by E-Motion if Installed :

AshAuryn 174 Sex Expressions Pack (Free, Highly Recommended)
SkyBox3D's Shoulder Fix morphs (Patreon exclusive download. Not essential)
Morphs Reloaded Lite

E-Motion Overview :

The basic idea behind E-Motion is to make your virtual girl react to your presence and anything you do to her.Your face, hands and pelvis (if you possess a Person) are tracked in relation to her body and given an interest rating which is then used to determine what she will look at. Depending on what she is looking at, what you are looking at (or touching!) and how far away from her you are, she will become more or less interested in (and aroused by) you.

How happy and/or aroused she becomes will affect how interested in different body parts she is, as well as what type of expressions she can show. Depending on how interested in you she is, she will switch between various emotion or attention states that define overall facial expressions and special looks. Those expressions are built from 3 layers, Eye Brows, Eyes and Mouth which can be set individually or in sets.

In addition to the reactionary system above, E-Motion allows her to react to blow-job and Sex animated scenes (motioned must be created by you) and gives her the ability to kiss her target.

The UI for E-Motion is very complex and allows you to adjust almost all aspects of E-Motion. See the below Instructions and included UI Description file

E-Motion is built first and foremost for Virtual Reality and it is recommended to possess a male character. It works fine in Desktop mode and she will look at the camera if you do not select a target however it works much better if you have a body.

By default E-Motion's defaults set everything to off. This prevents accidentally effecting poses/morphs when adding E-Motion. There are several presets included to quickly see E-Motion in action and you can save your own presets to quickly get E-Motion up and running on new scenes.
It is recommended to overwrite the 'E-Motion_Defaults.json' preset with your own preferred settings once you are familiar with E-Motion. The settings in this file are loaded when you first add the plugin to a person, or if you press the 'load defaults' button on the UI.

Features :

  • Personality Profile

All of the functions within E-Motion are driven by a profile of 3 values : Agreeableness, Extraversion and Stableness
The randomness of each function is affected by 2 statistics : Arousal and Happiness

Agreeableness - Higher values will generate happiness faster from interaction and allow more indirect gazing
Extraversion - Higher values will generate arousal faster from interaction and allow more direct eye contact
Stableness - Higher values allow longer gazing and less frequent glancing and avoidance

Arousal - Increases breathing rate, eye contact time, pelvis/penis interest as well as changing what expressions are displayed
Happiness - Increases touch based arousal, head and hand interest as well as changing what expressions are displayed

  • Expression Control

E-Motion animates many facial and expression morphs to create different looks and facial reactions according to what is going on.
Eyebrows, Eyes and Mouth are animated separately and can be mixed together for greater variation
Blinking is controlled by E-Motion and tied into eye movement for a more realistic appearance

  • Breathing and Moaning Sounds (Female voice only)

Over 90 sound effects are included with E-Motion to bring your character to life
You will be able to hear your character breathing, and as they become aroused, they will let out short moans of pleasure
The characters mouth is animated to sync with the moans for greater realism and immersion

  • Points of Interest (POI)

E-Motion gives a character the ability to look at multiple parts of the body : Head, Left Hand, Right Hand, Chest, Pelvis, Penis (if exists)
Each body part is given an interest value based on stats like proximity, movement, visibility and interaction
The two highest valued POI's are then selected as targets with the character looking at the primary target and glancing at the secondary
An object can also be selected as another POI that can be looked/glanced at. If a Person is selected as the object, their head will be selected

  • Head and Eye Movement

E-Motion gives characters a complex gaze control system that is driven by the above POI and has several sub features
*Direct Gaze - Look directly at POI and follow it precisely
*Indirect Gaze - Look in direction of POI and follow it loosely
*Glance - Look at secondary POI without moving head
*Avoid - Look away from Primary POI and avoid Direct Gaze. Look at secondary if visible
*Saccade - The eyes flick around the target area to simulate human saccadic eye movement
The type of gaze, frequency of glances and avoidance are controlled by the personality profile.
Very close proximity to the characters face will override the gaze to look at whatever is very close

  • Body Movement and Breathing

E-Motion provides a built-in breathing morph animation and upper body movement that is tied into arousal and happiness.
Adjustments are also made to the pelvis, abdomen, chest, shoulders, neck and hands to enhance the expressions being displayed

  • Character Interaction

If a Person is selected as the target (or you are playing in VR without a target selected) the face/hands/pelvis/penis can be used to interact with the E-Motion character in the following areas : Head, Left Breast, Right Breast, Pelvis (covers front and rear), Left Hand, Right Hand
Close proximity, touching and caressing these areas will affect interest, arousal and happiness as well as trigger expressions or special features

  • Special Feature : Kissing

The Character will attempt to line up for a kiss if the target's head is very close to their own. If contact with the lips occurs a kissing animation will activateTwo characters both running E-Motion targeting each other will kiss each other

  • Special Feature : Blowjob reaction

If you create a blowjob scene, the E-Motion characters face and lips will animate to enhance the experience. If the Deepthroat morph is installed, this will be animated also
Note - E-Motion does not create the thrusting motion, this must be done via the scene (such as a cycle force)

  • Special Feature : Sex reaction

Touching/Inserting the penis / fingers / face into the characters V will initiate sex and generate lots of Arousal and happiness as well as play a series of sex expressions
Note - E-Motion does not create the thrusting motion, this must be done via the scene (such as a cycle force)

  • Special Feature : Face Holding

Holding the characters face in your hand(s) will cause the character to press their head into your hand and look into your eyes.
Touching the characters lips with your fingers will have the character kiss and suck the fingers

Hand Animator v1.2 (disable Hands in E-Motion to use them together)

Animates the following hand morphs dynamically :

  • Hand Grasp, Fist, Chop, Straighten (Left and Right)
  • Finger Bend (Each finger both hands)
  • Thumb Fist, In-Out (Left and Right)

Animates based on movement speed and proximity to :

  • Head, Neck, Chest, Breasts, Abdomen, Hips (front and behind), hands

UI Controls for adjusting how each morph is applied, resting hand position and speed, distance and animation scales.

Bulger 1.0

Animates the custom morphs for throat and belly bulging (morphs included)E-Motion already provides this feature when targeting a Person. Bulger can be used to allow her to react to an object like a dildoIt can also be used by itself

UI Controls allows you to set the trigger distances for the effects, as well as how much effect to apply.

Light Point 1.0

Simple plugin designed to be added to Spot Lights that will make them point at the chest of the person called 'Person'

There are no ui options, this is used by the example scene

Long Hair Style

I have included my V3 long hairstyle which can be seen in the included example scene and images


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