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I will work with a limited group of patrons from tier $25. Right now they are some of my top tiers. Choosing this tier means a guaranteed extra drawing to come to your side each month.

Note: By guaranteed I mean that you will respond to my monthly call, and will send me the description of your request until the end date I will announce. After that date, I will not accept any requests - until the next monthly call. Thus said - "Guarantee" comes from both of our sides. If you don't respond to my monthly call, messages, or e-mails, you will not get a request.

What is a "
monthly call": This is the time between the 25 - 27th /around the end of the month/, when I'm sending mass messages to that $25 tier. After I send the "monthly calls", I give the people a week - time for them to figure out what they want to get as a request.

VERY IMPORTANT: I am sending messages to all $25 tiers,  using the patreon direct message system - EVERY TIME, unless I don't announce something else. Make sure to turn your message or e-mail notification on - otherwise, you will miss my monthly call.

Themes of the requests should be within the niches I'm exploiting: popular characters from comics, games, and movies - this all in order to make the content more relative to what I announce.

Some additional info about the $25 tier. I have opened 4 slots at that amount. Those slots were almost immediately taken. The people who took those slots are there for years, supporting me, and commissioning me at the same time. I know who they are - they are one and the same people and they are getting their monthly requests: 4 people - 4 different monthly requests. I found out that 4 is the optimal amount I could do per month. I probably could do much more /I tried that but then I felt like I'm burning out/, but in the end, I found that 4 is the number that works for me. Thus I'm having enough time to work on paid works (commissions) and on my own stories and projects ( I am also a creator and occasionally not so good, but enthusiastic animator ).
Why am I telling you this?
I have noticed that people are able to pledge $25 even if the slots are already taken and the patreon system shows a sign " slots are sold". Yes, you can pledge any amount by hand and that automatically makes you a $25. BUT please understand that even so, I can work with 4 people only - and they must be from the official list.
With that said - if you pledge $25 , despite that spots are already taken, you will not be declined - you will still be able to get the privileges of this tier, but not the monthly request. Still some explanation about the meaning of the $25 tier:
This tier is good for people who can commission me more than once per week.
Part of the goods in this tier is the better /cheaper/ pricing, which is $5 cheaper than the prices at $10 tier for lineart commissions. And option with similar prices for illustrations.
So if you like my lineart drawings only and all the $25 are taken, which tier would be better for you to take?  Hint : choose $10 tier.


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