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Hi everyone. So the number one question I have is how to set boundaries when you invite someone to your home without making things awkward...

Hope you enjoy my ramblings of a mother just trying her best...😆

Sending you lots of love!

*LoFi Rambles* *Keyboard Scratching* *Tapping* *Nail Clacking* 


4am Storytime



it’s soooo easy to say “set boundaries!!” but in my experience whenever i want to say something it’s like i’m literally physically unable to!! like the words cannot leave my mouth. i’d say a big part of it is not worrying about offending / upsetting anyone. you can be up front and firm but still kind about it. i’d rather have someone be a little pissed at me for the rest of the evening than absolutely miserable in my own home. especially if you don’t want to be close with these parents


I just have to say I have listen to this video like four times. I love love love story times and just you chatting. That’s why I subscribe to the Patreon to get more of that and you always deliver!!! As far as getting people out of your house - I’m a Virgo, extrovert, very straightforward individual and it pays dividends in these situations. Just because I’m an extrovert doesn’t mean I don’t want people to fucking leave. I want my space you know 😂😂😂😂 so I have literally just said to people “ all right y’all hate to kick out but I’ve got shit to do” 😂 and I kind of see it light hearted like a joke. And it’s almost like people realize like “oh crap OK yeah, we will have to get going too!” Works every time !!!

Peace and Saraity ASMR

I’m so glad you like my chats! Thank you for sharing your tips and also your perspective as an extrovert. I’ve never met a Virgo I didn’t like. Head strong in the BEST of ways. I always overthink a situation but sending the message in a light hearted way is the perfect way to approach it. I have to try being more lightly assertive especially now that my children are getting older and I will have more of these experiences. Appreciate you, Hahna!

Peace and Saraity ASMR

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Danny. It’s very true. It’s better to assert your feelings and boundaries before things get worse or boundaries are never set. Alot of things went wrong that day but I learned a lot in the process. I never want to make someone feel unwelcomed but we all have our limitations. Honesty is key and healthy in any relationship moving forward.